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  • 9505000900 & 8801571290

Payments to AGACS PVT LTD:

When a payment is done to AGACS PVT LTD, you have the right to demand a receipt for the same. AGACS PVT LTD issues receipts for all payments made to the company.

An acknowledgment of payments made to AGACS PVT LTD is sent to you from our official email. Please write to us at for any issues/clarifications related to payments.

Payments to AGACS PVT LTD staff:

AGACS PVT LTD cautions you against making any additional payments to any AGACS PVT LTD employee. If any staff member of AGACS PVT LTD offers to fabricate your profile or is encouraging you to make any personal payments to them or is involving any activity outside the professional atmosphere, we strongly advise you to inform the management at AGACS PVT LTD so that strict action is taken against them.

Note: AGACS PVT LTD is not liable if you enter into any written agreement or verbal agreement with an AGACS PVT LTD employee or his/her reference. If you have paid for any additional service to any AGACS PVT LTD employee, we are not responsible for the consequences.

Vendors & Referrals:

We would discourage you from services from vendors that may be suggested by any AGACS PVT LTD employee as this is not permitted by the company and you run the risk by involving in the same. We are not responsible for any vendors who may have been referred by a AGACS PVT LTD employee and we are not liable for any charges that you have paid to them.

Fraudulent Documentation:

Your case will be accepted by AGACS PVT LTD basis on the information you have provided which we assume is to be true. AGACS PVT LTD is not responsible if you have provided fraudulent/incorrect/misleading documentation or information. AGACS PVT LTD does not deal with cases where fraudulent information or documentation has been submitted.

AGACS PVT LTD never provides documentation on our own and we will process the application on the documents that have been provided by you. AGACS PVT LTD assumes that your information is true to the core.

AGACS PVT LTD employees are strictly warned against illegal practices and are required to adhere to AGACS PVT LTD policies. If any event arises where the employee is moving against the company's policies, AGACS PVT LTD is not responsible for the same as our policy is to accept applications and cases where the information provided is 100% true.


AGACS PVT LTD is a registered and licensed agency in India and works with many placement organizations across the world for a Fee. AGACS PVT LTD does not guarantee jobs or ask for a fee to the candidate for a job. If anyone of our staff members attempts to ask for any money or trying client to make any payment, kindly inform us as soon as possible.


AGACS PVT LTD does not guarantee any visa or any job to anyone. Visas and jobs are at the discretion of respective immigration authorities and placement agencies. Even if any of our employees promise you any visa or job guarantee, please inform us immediately.

Kindly look into the following details:

  • Don’t get fooled by fake websites which look like official government websites. Always get information from official government websites.
  • When you are doing your visa application don’t be misled by dishonest AGACS PVT LTD staff making you believe that it is acceptable to practice and submit forged documents. These kinds of actions will be refused and you may face legal consequences.
  • Visa decisions are made by only visa offices and authorized bodies of any respective country. Don’t believe AGACS PVT LTD staff members who say they can get you the work you want in exchange for any favours.
  • Legitimate visa offices do not meet any applicants or clients outside their official premises and they never contact you for money or other offerings. Don’t be fooled by others pretending to be visa officers from embassies.
  • Many people in general are cheated by fake job offers and scams. Please deliberate your decision before you hand over your money and other personal documents and information. Don’t get duped.
  • If you get fooled by crooked staff your investment will be lost. You might also be denied entry to the country you have applied to.
  • Many countries including the USA, UK, Australia, and Canada always welcome genuine work immigrants, students, visitors etc. The immigration system in general has zero tolerance towards fraud. We advise people not to listen to staff who offers or sell forged documents.
  • Immigration departments have many ways to handle fraud and they work with international partners and Indian authorities and everyone in this business has zero tolerance to fraud. If the fraud is known then the visa will be rejected and the applicant may face ten years visa ban also.
  • The general public and visa applicants may not be aware of the possibilities that the fraudsters may cause to them. Its always advisable to check all legitimate authorities before handing the application to anyone. AGACS PVT LTD strongly advice you against indulging in any kind of fraud or misrepresentation of your profile.
  • If any employee of AGACS PVT LTD claims to give you services for a random duration, kindly inform us immediately. All of our services like Canadian PR, Australian PR, USA H1 B, and European PR process come with a standard duration of up to 12 months.
  • If any employee of AGACS PVT LTD gives you any kind of additional service tenure for free of cost without communication from our official email kindly ignore and inform us at the soonest.
  • Always ask for official email communication for any kind of confirmation or information that the client is looking for from the respective account manager allotted to the client.

For any complaints or grievances, please contact us at

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